Archive for the "Health" Category


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How Can We Prevent Sore Throat in the Autumn

As the arrival of autumn, due to the large temperature difference between day and night, and many people do not pay attention to diet food temperature caused by the hot and cold stimulation, this will bring harm to the throat. However, now the weather is in the late summer and early autumn, but the temperature […]

Healthier and Better Than a Coffee Buzz

Ninety per cent of North Americans consume caffeine every day. In a lot of cases they get their caffeine through coffee. It is a quick and easy way to get an energy buzz, but it may not be the best way. There are healthier ways to keep you alert and ready for whatever task you […]

What Should We Pay Attention to Protect the Stomach

In autumn, climate change and the temperature difference between and night is large. After human is exposure to cold air stimulation, the chemical composition in the blood increases, and the gastric acid secretion increases, the gastro intestine happens spasmodic contraction, make resistance and adaptability decreases. In addition, due to the cooler weather, people’s appetite is […]

What Should Elderly Note to Avoid Ulcer Disease in Autumn

When it is mentioned ulcer disease, many people are familiar with it, which is the generic term for gastric ulcer or duodenal ulcer. Gastric or duodenal mucosa is corroded, and forms the wound, as we do endoscopy, we are general not difficult to find. Patients often appear stomach pain, after eating things, their pain will […]

How to Prevent the Static Electricity from Hurting Us

In the fall of the dry climate, we often encounter this phenomenon: when we talk off the clothes at night, in the darkness we often hear the crackling sound, accompanied with blue light; when we shake hands with others, on the fingers contact to each other, we will suddenly feel fingertips stinging pain, which makes […]