Archive for the "Health" Category


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Maintain Good Oral Health With Comprehensive Dental Exams

You can help yourself as well as your family to maintain good oral health by seeing a dentist in Port Huron MI on a regular basis and having a comprehensive dental exam done. Not only does this include a routine check up with cleaning and x-rays, but the dentist may also examine your head and […]

Homoeopathy Software – A Boon To All Homoeopaths

Homoeopathy is a system of Medicine founded by the German physician Dr. Samuel Hahnemann in the 19th century. It is based on the principle of ‘similia similibus curentur’ meaning ‘let likes be treated by likes’. A homoeopathic physician is akin to a painter who paints a picture of the patient’s disease state by taking a […]

How to Prevent Bacterial Food Poisoning In the summer

As the increasing temperature in the summer, the majority of bacterial growth is very fast, especially in the food. So, in life, how should we prevent bacterial food poisoning? Please allow me introduce the methods for you in detail.   First of all, we should clean the raw material thoroughly. If your home has dried […]

Improve Your Smile With Dental Implants

Many people may feel very self-conscious about their smile if they are missing teeth and these people may be the perfect candidate for dental implants in Port Huron MI. Dental implants can help to improve your smile and can also help to prevent more long term damage to your teeth. With dental implants you will […]

IBS – Symptoms, Causes and What We Know

IBS stands for ‘Irritable Bowel Syndrome’ which is a chronic condition in which a patient has frequent stomach upsets resulting in the titular ‘irritable bowel’. In other words, this is distinct from diarrhoea in that it is not an acute problem causing a period of stomach difficulties that passes with time, but rather an on-going […]