Archive for the "Health" Category


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Eating Healthy for Weight Loss

I would like to state from the onset of this article that I am not going to give any magic formula for weight loss. In fact there isn’t any quick help formula. Before going to the details of any weight loss regimen, let us understand how a person gets obese. Obesity is a long out […]

Natural Cure for Meniere’s disease

The condition of the inner ear that causes hearing and balance problems is known as Meniere’s disease. In this certain conditions may be experienced such as vertigo (dizziness or a spinning sensation), tinnitus (loud ring or roaring sound in the ears), feeling of pressure in the ears and temporary or permanent hearing loss. . Initially […]

Pain Management and Improve Memory without the use of drugs

Pain Management and Improve Memory without the use of drugs For your kind information we would like to inform you that Rhythm and patterns affect our brain and our brainwaves. Because of powerful Frequency is following Response through which the brain’s neurons will start to fire a response and vibrate at the same frequency. The […]

Natural cure for atrial fibrillation

The condition in which the upper portion of the heart doesn’t work properly and the pumping of blood does not happen in proper manner is called atrial fibrillation. Possibilities of stroke can rise if this is remained untreated when the blood clot occurs that could travel to the brain. Cases have been observed where patients […]

Why Cosmetic Surgery Should Be Your Very Last Resort

If you’re getting older and don’t like the changes that age has made to your skin, you might be wondering whether it’s time to get a facelift, eyelid surgery or jaw lift. These cosmetic procedures are fairly popular and can be tempting. However, they also come with a host of problems, including cost, potential side […]