Archive for the "Health" Category


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Home Remedies For Stomach Ulcers That Give Amazing Results

Ulcers are caused due to certain reasons such as nicotine, faulty diet, alcohol and stress. When these ulcers occur in stomach, then they are known as stomach ulcers. Some of the basic symptoms of ulcers are nausea, vomiting, indigestion and abdominal pain. These ulcers can be found in adults as well as children too. Stomach […]

Home Remedies For Stretch Marks That Give Amazing Results

Off-color lines on the skin which basically occur on breasts, thighs and abdominal wall are known as stretch marks. There are certain factors which may cause stretch marks such as gain in weight, weight loss, pregnancy, and change in physical condition and rapid growth in adolescents. Symptom of stretch mark may include white colored or […]

Home Remedies For Tonsillitis That Give Amazing Results

A painful condition in which pain and inflammation of the tonsil take place is known as tonsillitis. Tonsillitis is caused by bacteria and viruses. Some of the common symptoms of tonsillitis are nasal congestion, fever, pain, sore throat, and runny nose, coughing and sneezing. Tonsillitis Home Remedies There are several home remedies for tonsillitis which […]

Folic Acid is Closely Related to Autism in California

Autism in California is on a rise. In a new study in California it has been found out that women suffering from scarcity of folic acid during pregnancy are more prone to giving birth to autistic children. Folic acid is required in adequate measures during early pregnancy so that the kids can grow properly. Folic […]

Cost of a Mommy Makeover

What is the cost of a mommy makeover? Like many makeovers the cost of a mommy makeover can range from relatively cheap to incredibly expensive depending on where you go, the treatments and cosmetics used, and who exactly is performing the makeover. The cost of a mommy makeover is highly variable depending on these factors, […]