Archive for the "Health" Category


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Facts about genital herpes

Genital herpes is a sexually transmitted infection that is caused by one of the most contagious viruses, the herpes simplex virus. The herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) or type 2 (HSV-2) are known to be responsible for causing genital herpes in people. Most people are said to contract this infection because of the HSV-2 virus. […]

Diagnose hypertension with Generic Benicar

The presence of hypertension or high blood pressure at the basic phase could not be identified by the victim and can only be realized when this dysfunction turns fatal to get in to the threatening ailments forms like sudden heart stroke, heart failure or certain cardiovascular disorders. Therefore the detection of this health disorder demands […]

Treatment options of chronic prostatitis

When it comes to prostatitis, people often feel anxious. Especially for chronic prostatitis, which rises from chronic inflammation. It is a fact that prostatitis brings new chanllenges to traditional Chinese medical science. However, TCM (traditional Chinese medicine) treatment of prostatitis outlook is bright. To be short, in traditional Chinese medical science, prostatitis refers to cold […]

how to begin a yoga routine

Yoga helps you live a healthy life, keeps you away from many physical problems, mental problems, daily stress of life and increases body cell functioning. Many people avoid this exercise, fearing a strict routine, diet, tough poses, standing on head, etc. however this form of exercise helps you to choose a set of exercise that […]

Homoeopathy And The Homoeopathic World Of Today

Homoeopathy today has been globally accepted as the No. 1 system of alternative medicine. Our goal should be to set high standards and make it the mainstream system of medicine. Therefore, it is important for us to understand the status of homoeopathy in different countries, because our job is not only to treat patients, but […]