Archive for the "Health" Category


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Hair loss Treatment and Hair Transplant in India

Men and women are made differently. Their tastes, interests, likes and dislikes usually are very different from each other. Sometimes, their medical and emotional problems also differ. For a very long time, it was believed that the problem of baldness does not occur in women. Today, this belief no longer holds any ground as this […]

A Quick Overview of Rhonoplasty in India

With the advancements and developments made in the fields of modern science and medicines, the desire to achieve those ‘perfect looks’ is no more out of anyone’s reach. Most of the people keenly desire to enhance their assets and reduce the imperfections or flaws. Apart from a great body, perfect features also contribute to a […]

What to Know about Hair Transplant in Kolkata

For past so many decades, various means and ways have been in use to control the condition of hair loss or thinning of the scalp hair. Some of methods of Hair loss Treatment in Kolkata include, oil massages or wearing a wig. One of the most popular and effective way to deal with the problem […]

Some Interesting Facts about Hair Transplant in India

Many advancements and developments have been made in the field of modern science and medication. Various cosmetic surgery procedures are being used all over the world to help people overcome the imperfections in their looks. One such extremely popular and useful cosmetic surgery procedure is Hair Transplant. There were times, when this advanced procedure was […]

Is it Safe to Use Ephedra Diet Pills?

Diet pills that contain Ephedra have become hot topic for discussion among the people. Ephedra pills have been used by people to great extent as weight loss and energy booster supplements.  As the use of epherda diet weight loss pillshas increased, its existence come into controversy due to the side effects caused by using it. […]