Archive for the "Health" Category


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Receive the Right Amounts of Sports Supplements

Accompanied with a healthy eating plan, exercise is a fundamental part within individuals becoming, or remaining, fit and in good condition in order to live an active lifestyle. Due to the growing concerns of obesity levels across the globe within social circles and the media, it has raised significant awareness over the important role that […]

New Electronic Health Records Laws Go Into Effect in 2012

Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius announced in September that new regulations would go into effect October 2012 allowing patients to have access to their electronic health records. “We want patients to take control of their own health and to make the choices easy,” U.S. Surgeon General Regina Benjamin told USA TODAY. Why new […]

Digital and Analog Hearing Aids

There are two types of hearing aids available on the market today- analog and digital.  While they are vary and price, circuitry, performance, and the way they process sound, both have the same three parts. The microphone on the aids is the part that gathers the sound waves in the air and changes them to […]

Shakes de frutas para bajar de peso

Los batidos de frutas para bajar de peso, la gran mayoria de las veces se hacen en base a yogurt reducido en calorias, hielo y fruta natural. El yogurt puede ser cambiado por leche descremada, leche de soya, la que escojas esta directamente relacionado con tus propios objetivos de nutrici?n y baja de peso. Tambi?n […]

Luxury Addiction Treatment Centers And The Well Known Relapse Issue

What’s the connection amongst luxury addiction treatment centers and the well known backsliding issue? Relapse is always a factor with drug and alcohol abuse, and with virtually any substance abuse obsession you will have high risk of relapse if the rehabilitation isn’t comprehensively complete as well as productive. Luxury addiction treatment centers often present you […]