Archive for the "Health" Category


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Eliminate Uterine Fibroids Naturally and Permanently

The existence of Uterine Fibroids is pretty universal in women of all ages. There are actually standard Uterine Fibroids Treatment options such as medical Fibroids Treatment and operative Fibroids Treatment obtainable within the health sector to remove Fibroids in Uterus. But a lot of ladies are afraid of operative Fibroids Treatment alternatives and do not […]

How to Tell If You Need Male Eating Disorder Treatment

A lot of people think that men have it easy in society, and most of the people that think that are women struggling to get ahead. While it may be certainly true in some respects that men have advantages over women, the truth is that women have their share of advantages over men as well. […]

What To Consider with Dentists in Lubbock Texas

People have a health care professional but it surely seems that nearly everybody don’t discover the significance of having a dentist. The mouth and teeth need equally as much care, attention, and regular check-ups as the other parts of the body. Considering the variety of dentists and dental practices nowadays, how does one select the […]

Trichotillomania – Self-induced Hair Loss

Trichotillomania in the broadest sense is self induced loss of hair. It is classified in DSM-IV as an nerve impulse control disorder with kleptomania and includes the criterion of an increasing sense of tension before pulling the hair and gratification or relief when pulling the hair. However some people with trichotillomania do not endorse the […]

The Truth About Baldness

It is convention to shed hair every day and the truth is we loose between 100-125 hairs on any given day. Hair that is shed falls out at the end of vegetation cycle. At any given time 10% of our hair is in what is called a a resting phase and after 2-3 months resting […]