Archive for the "Health" Category


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How to Conduct a Reasonable Diet

According to the report of the American Heart Association, to ensure a healthy diet should balance the energy sources that body needs, it is best to ensure that 50-65% of energy from carbohydrates, 20 – 25% of the energy derived from protein, less than 30% of the energy source is from fat, it is the […]

How Is the Formation of the Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids are formed by the varicose enlargement of the veins of the anal canal and rectum. Hemorrhoids can be swollen in the anal canal, and it can also protrude through the anus, which is called “hemorrhoids prolapsed”. External hemorrhoids appear the subsurface of the skin in the anal opening. No matter what type of hemorrhoids […]

How Much Food Should You Take With the First Trip to Mars

The trip to Mars would be a staggering challenge, of which there are many reasons. The risk in addition to from cosmic rays, micro-meteorites, and the slight spirit abnormalities arising from a long time in a very small space, there is the fuel problem. The spacecraft must carry to reach Mars and then return to […]

Deseo bajar de peso bebiendo t? Cu?l debo elegir?

Si lo que quieres es adelgazar, el adicionar t? en tu dieta, resulta ser muy bueno para tu salud, ya que seg?n el Departamento de Agricultura de los Estados Unidos o USDA, dice que el t? puede ayudar a disminuir los niveles de colesterol en la sangre, disminuir el riesgo de sufrir enfermedades card?acas, incluso […]

How Do I Donate An Automobile To Charities

Are you tired of seeing your junk automobile sitting in your driveway? Tired of knowing that every time your neighbors drive by and see your beautiful house that you worked all your life for; only to see a big hunk of metal sitting in the front yard? Well, you are not alone. Many Americans face […]