Archive for the "Health" Category


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Herbal Acne Remedy In Curing Pimples And Scars

Pimple is a common form of acne. It is a problem that can lead to stubborn scars and disfiguring of the skin. Hyperactive oil glands located at the base of a hair follicle produce huge amounts of sebum that collects within a tiny skin lesion. In course of time acne bacteria attack the lesions and […]

How To Prevent Hair Loss And Dandruff, Preventive Measures

Dandruff related hair loss is a major problem these days. Everyone wants dense hair on their head but imagine the distress when they see loads of hair in their comb, rubber band or wash basin. Dandruff is a condition characterized by hair loss, itchy scalp and falling off of tiny white flakes from the scalp. […]

How To Prevent And Repair Aging

Aging is an inevitable and unavoidable phenomenon in every person’s life. Though we all like to look fresh and young forever, aging will tiptoe in to our lives with time. We have to take this change sportingly or else it will be a cause of depression for us. In other words, time will play its […]

Popular Herbal Remedies For Curing Acne, Pimples?

Acne, pimples are a very common skin problem that strikes us at puberty. Though proliferation of acne is something quite common during puberty, for some people the problem persists lifelong. When there is a hormonal turmoil within our body, the oil glands become activated and secrete sebum or oil profusely. The sebum acts like a […]

Herbal Sleeping Aids In Curing Insomnia

Insomnia is the disorder characterized by sleeplessness. An insomniac is unable to get sufficient sleep at night. The reasons leading to insomnia vary from person to person. Sudden shock or trauma, stress, narcolepsy, sleep apnea, restless leg syndrome, asthma, acid reflux, chronic pain, change in sleep routine are some of the leading causes of insomnia. […]