Archive for the "Health" Category


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Hair Loss Prevention

Make no mistake about it, some hair loss is not preventable. Every one of us loses 100-150 hairs a day in the natural cycle of hair growth and death. It is normal and should not be cause for concern. Further, larger amounts of hair loss can occur at specific times in life illness, surgery, pregnancy, […]

Hair Restoration Product

Hair loss is a naturally occurring event in the lives of most men. They stand idly by as their hairlines move further and further back from their scalps, threatening to join the bald spot that has begun to form at the crown. In many cases, people will link the process to genetics and decide that […]

Influence of Culture and Society on Hair Loss

There are many myths regarding the conceivable causes of baldness and its relationship with virility intelligence ethnicity job social class wealth etc. While skepticism is warranted due to lack of scientific validation some of these myths may have a degree of implicit in truth. You inherit baldness from your grand father. Previously early baldness of […]

Reflusso che può risolversi con una reflusso dieta

Per eliminare e attenuare un problema fondamentale di ogni giorno proviamo a considerare almeno una reflusso dieta è necessario eliminare i soliti alimenti che sono sconsigliati in tutte le più diffuse diete terapeutiche. Stiamo parlando infatti dei soliti caffè, te, alcol e cioccolato. E poi proviamo ad eliminare anche le bevande gasate e le nostre […]

Great tips on How to Stop a Runny Nose

It is hard to get something accomplished when you have the common cold or perhaps the flu. Nothing is significantly more aggravating than providing an exhibition or maybe solving an exam for people with a drippy nose. Fortunately, one can find how-to’s to help remedy the common cold. There is no need to run for […]