Archive for the "Health" Category


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Wigs for Hair Loss: Alopecia

One of the reasons someone may require the use of a wig or hairpiece is the medical condition known as Alopecia. Alopecia is the general term used for hair loss. The hair loss may appear as a small bald patch on the head or the loss of all the hair, even throughout the entire body. […]

What is Female Sexual Arousal Disorder?

What is Female Sexual Arousal Disorder? Female sexual arousal disorder, or Female libido disorder, is commonly referred to as frigidity, which is characterized by a persistent or recurrent inability to attain sexual arousal or to maintain arousal until the completion of a sexual activity. The diagnosis can also refer to an inadequate lubrication-swelling response normally […]

What is Male Orgasm?

What is Male Orgasm? Orgasm is the word originated from Greek basically meant as organ to mature, swell, and sexual climax. Orgasm is the sudden discharge of accumulated sexual tension during the sexual response cycle, resulting in rhythmic muscular contractions in the pelvic region characterized by an intense sensation of pleasure. Experienced by males and […]

Three criteria of cure on prostatitis declare whether you get cured

Cole Thompsom, who suffered from prostatitis over years, got treated with herbal medicine for several months. The symptoms of prostatitis were gone and never recur in a recent month. Does it mean that he get cured? What is the criterion of curing prostatitis? To be frank, even though the symptoms of prostatitis were gone, prostaitits […]

Wigs: What you need to know

A wig’s comfort should always be paramount in choosing the wig for you. It is determined by what the base or cap is made of and how the hair is attached to this base. A machine made wig has fibres which are sewn into wefts in the cap which can often make the wig feel […]