Archive for the "Gardening" Category

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Indoor Gardening with Gift Plants and Window Planters

Plants provide us with our needs for survival like food air and shelter. And thinking of plants as perfect gift ideas is one thing that we least think about. Plants that bear flowers or those that are used as ornaments can actually be the best gifts we can give to our loved ones. Plant gifts […]

Sharing Precious Moments with Campanula Plant in Flower Boxes

Campanula, which means “little bell” in Latin is a bell-shaped bluish violet flowering plant. This flowering plant has different species and colors that best compliment a designer pot. Raising more of this plant can be more appealing if you are going to place it in a flower box. But what is ideally beautiful is having […]

Fiberglass Planters- Brings Versatility to Artistic Profundity

Container gardening has been an excellent solution for those who love gardening yet could not even make even just a miniature garden. With this significance encourage countless numbers of planter manufactures to create a more sophisticated and unique planters to satisfy the range of customers. In fact, numerous business owners have utilized large planters to […]

Modern Planters- Provide a Pleasing Outdoor Display

The evolution of modern planters has brought a widespread competition in the planter making industry, which paved way for the creation of more sophisticated types of planter products. In fact, modern planters have been made available in a wide variety of designs, materials, shapes and shades.These modern commercial planters create unique transformation to any area […]

Drugs you wont get arrested for growing in your garden!

As winter approaches and we must all endure the mediocrity months till Christmas, only dulled further by the flu and fevers autumn promises, Floral and Hardy present to you a list of our top ten, easy to grow herbal and medicinal remedies that can be cultivated as part of a vibrant and interesting planting scheme […]