Archive for the "Home Improvement" Category

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Track Lighting Can Be Easy and Efficient

Most people working in offices today are using their sense of site for 95% of their workload. Reading, typing, filing, computer related tasks, proofing, and even reading others’ facial expressions require our eyes to constantly be working. For this reason, correct office lighting is directly related to the efficiency of the office. Correct office lighting […]

Convert To New Lighting

The incandescent bulb hasn’t changed much since Thomas Edison patented it in 1879. More than one hundred years later, the familiar bulbs still push electricity through a wire filament – and still waste a whole lot of energy. In the U.S., incandescent bulbs will be phased out by 2014 under the CLEAN Energy Act of […]

Save Energy With Dimmer Switches

Today’s dimmers have changed the whole concept of lighting controls. With a wide array of colors and styles dimmers are now viewed as a stylistic statement and not just a device to turn the lights on and off. Dimmer switches are very convenient for controlling lighting in a room, you can turn the light low […]

Outdoor Lighting With Flood Lights

When determining what type of outdoor lighting to use, many people may wish to research the benefits of a halogen flood light. This type of lighting, while similar to incandescent lighting, is different in a number of ways. Understanding those differences and utilizing them can not only have an effect on the overall lighting design, […]

A Bright New Feature With Security Lighting

There are many varieties of outdoor lighting available for the homeowner. Some are easier to install than others. Before deciding upon a lighting scheme, research what is out there and decide which type of lighting would best meet the needs of your home and lawn. The easiest type of lighting to install is usually lighting […]