Archive for the "Home and Garden" Category


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Self Build Homes – The Good, The Bad and The Downright Mad

The term self build homes is a bit of a misnomer. Very few people actually roll up their sleeves, start mixing concrete and invest in a nail gun. The truth is most self builders will hire an architect and only get their hands dirty when it comes to the final decoration. This being said as […]

What To Consider When Looking For Commercial Flooring

There are many design elements that must go into the creation of an industrial building or home.  However, one of the most important elements that must be given attention and detail is that of commercial flooring.  The type of flooring that you choose to make use of will say a lot about your company or […]

Change Your Home’s Exterior

The most of home improvements whether prior a sale or not is about remodelling the exterior of the property. When planning to sell your home its exterior will play a major part. Without a doubt, changing the exterior of your home will have a huge influence on anyone who passes nearby.

Bounty Durability Test

Well we have all seen those commercials stating bounty is just as good, or better then household rags. They go on an on about how Bounty can take on the toughest messes and not tear like regular paper towel, but I ask how many of us have actually tried this? Normally when I have a […]

Creating or rearranging a garden may call for expert landscaping

What does one look for when approaching the design of a garden or a park? Like all projects one has to first assess what one has to start with before one can really plan but there are a lot of pointers that should be taken into account. Firstly the terrain has to be considered. Is […]