Archive for the "Home and Garden" Category


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Opt for Obedience Training for dogs the professional way

Obedience training for dogs becomes a necessity nowadays for many pet owners, especially when one has several pets in one household. Puppies tend to become spoiled by their master due to their cuteness and unconditioned love they offer and when you look into their innocent little eyes you forget about everything. This is where an […]

Cowhide Rugs – Looks Beautiful On Your Wall Too

Cowhide rugs are becoming very popular piece of art in most of the homes. Cowhides are hides of the cow which are tanned to make cowhide rugs. Cowhides are tanned to make leather which is used to make various things like jackets, boots, rugs, bags, furniture etc. The best part of using a cowhide rug […]

High Performance Light Emergency Equipment Making Use of LEDs

The light emergency accessories available in the market today are unlike the ones that were available in the past. The ones that were manufactured a few years ago did not make use of LED bulbs that are not just energy efficient, but also produce intense beams of light that can serve more purposes than one. […]

Double Glazing Windows from Warmseal – a Clear View in Newcastle for Christmas

Warmseal has been providing high-quality windows, doors, conservatories and other uPVC products to Newcastle and the surrounding areas including Northumberland, County Durham, Sunderland and Carlisle since 1987. Even colder temperatures are setting in as winter approaches, and Warmseal is true to its name in offering extra insulation through its top range of double-glazing windows. The […]

Controlling urban pests in London

It is easy to imagine rodent or insect pests being predominant in rural locations. Wildlife tends to be associated with the countryside, but there is plenty of it in cities too. There are more rats in London than humans; around 8 million. And there are also plenty of mice, birds, squirrels, urban foxes, garden ants, […]