Archive for the "Home and Garden" Category


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Introducing the Eden Project range of flower seeds

Here at Seeds By Post ( we’re proud to only stock the best seeds on the market from the most trusted brands in the UK. One particularly inspiring seeds range comes from the Eden Project, an educational charity and social enterprise which also produces flower and vegetable seeds of outstanding quality. Introducing the Eden Project […]

Fun For Kitty While You are at Work

An easy, fun and inexpensive way to give your cats something to do while you are away at work is to get a bird feeder. A correctly placed bird feeder can entertain for hours. It is not only entertainment for your cats, it can be rewarding for all members of the family. Probably the most […]

Understanding How Your AC and Home Heater Works

A thermostat is a heat sensitive switch that controls the temperature in your house. It has a bimetallic element that responds to the temperature in your home as temperatures rise or lower. The bimetallic element bends to reach the electrical contracts, and, when it reaches the second contact, the contact closes and turns on the […]

Shock bark collar for dog to keep the noise under control

Barking is nothing but a natural behavior of dogs with which they communicate with humans and others of its species. A barking dog is appreciated and applauded on sighting a plunderer or a stranger. A dog’s bark alarms the home owners about things that are odd and need attention. Despite the useful qualities, dog owners […]

Who needs carpets – Floor Sanding London offers another alternative

Fit a new carpet in your home and it’s great for a short period of time until grime works it way into the fibres. Unless you have regular professional carpet cleaning (let’s face it who does?) your floor covering will soon starts to show signs of its age. It’s different when Floor Sanding London has […]