Archive for the "Home and Garden" Category


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Staying Safe in New York City with a Burglar Alarm System

How safe do you feel in your home in New York City? Keeping your home safe, as well as your valuables, should be your priority. Burglary is the biggest threat against a home today. With the threat of burglary at an all time high, home security systems professionally installed by Paragon Security can help keep […]

Good Reasons to Use Wedding Chair Cover Hire Companies

Chair covers can help to make a beautiful impression at any wedding reception venue. Indeed, tucks and bows in stunning satin and gossamer tulle can ensure any type of room looks fittingly stylish for such an important occasion. DIY venue decoration? Adding a few personal touches to a wedding is fine, but when it comes […]

Things to consider for split system air con

The air con, split system is the perfect choice for larger air conditioning applications. With evolution of air con, the split system has become the better option since it is cheap and user friendly. Basically, the split system splits the cold side from the hot side. The composition and working of split system air con: […]

Different Types of Split Air Conditioner

In Australia, air conditioners are almost a necessity for coping with the long hot summers. The split system air conditioner is one of the most popular and widely used air conditioners. Simply put, a split air conditioner is one that has been divided into two parts which are joined by special piping, the first part […]

The Size of Air Conditioner Needed

Of paramount importance in looking for an air conditioner is to determine the size of air conditioner needed! Given that air conditioners can be ducted, portable or wall mounted, it calls for the need to establish what size is really needed. Whereas technical guidance and great detail would be available from air conditioning professionals, I […]