Archive for the "Home and Garden" Category


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Corten Cladding

Corten is a weathering steel that is known as ‘COR-TEN’. This is a steel alloy which is designed to help prevent a need for painting, and to create a rustic appearance after years of exposure to the weather while maintaining a high durability and quality. Cladding meanwhile is of course metal that is coated or […]

Oak Bookcases Getting booked for life

Oak bookcasesprovide the right storage solutions for books. These bookcases are not just durable, sturdy and long lasting, they also add to the aesthetic appeal of the room they are placed in. Books are your friends for life. From bedtime fables and fairy tales in childhood to wizards and vampires in teenage, they grip you […]

Office Desks That Work Best In Contemporary Work Spaces

With the corporate workspaces undergoing tremendous changes in modern times, office desks too have seen a major transformation to suit contemporary work spaces. Choosing the right type of desk ensures a comfortable and ergonomic workspace. A modern office is more than a mere work space – it is almost an extension of your living space […]

Oak Dining Room Furniture Fine Dining For A Lifetime

The dining room is more than just another place for family meals. This room is an integral part of your home and needs to be furnished with as much care as other rooms of your home. The right type of oak dining room furniture can add a touch of grace and sophistication and add to […]

Tips for a Safe and Happy Halloween Holiday

Halloween is one of the funniest and traditional holidays in America. It is a night for playing trick or treat, getting lots of candies and dressing up any kind of Halloween costume your want. However, each year there are more injuries happening on Halloween night than any night of the year. When planning for this […]