Archive for the "Home and Garden" Category


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Painted Wood Furniture

Wood is a traditional media in creating furniture. Since the old time it has been being used to create human tool called furniture. In nowadays, wood is also widely used to create furniture. Furniture can be both for indoor and outdoor purposes. Consequently, the wood used for outdoor purposes should be stronger in nature compared […]

Asbestos Removal

The public has long been aware of the hazardous traits of asbestos.  Asbestos being highly associated with different lung diseases such as lung cancer has long reached a huge part of the public. Just what makes asbestos so dangerous?  If you believe this material is still in some areas of your household, how do you […]

Natural protection of SURFACE

Maybe waxing – the oldest method of surface treatment of mantel shelf furniture: Wax – a natural material, which had been in antiquity. Man learned early on its water-repellent properties.And while today there are many effective remedies furniture from moisture, waxy coating has the advantage of being at the same time one of the methods […]


The texture of most tree species after removal rustic fireplaces of the bark smooth light colors to dark and even black, depending on the time of lying wood rot disease severity solid-mi. Certain species of trees (oak, Karelian birch), and most tumors are embossed, textured surface. Interesting embossed texture can turn to. blanks with the […]

Types of mosaic ornament

Mosaic Wood has several species. The basis of separation is the fireplace mantel shelves quality of the materials to be inserted. In this release zasisimosti of marquetry, intarsia, inlay and mosaic block. Marquetry is a type of wooden mosaic, in which the first is harvested the whole kit and then glued to the surface. Details […]