Archive for the "Home and Garden" Category


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Home Invader Says God Told Him to Do it

Of all the things God would tell you to do, would it be break into someone’s house? Probably not. He might tell you to go invest in a home security system to prevent a home invasion but otherwise….no, I don’t think so. Gawker reports “The Connecticut native was arrested for breaking into a stranger’s home, […]

Woman Bites Off Attackers Tongue

Years ago my childhood hero was this Chicago cop named JJ Bittenbinder. He would say “If all else fails, let them kiss you, then bite down on their lips until your teeth meet.” The Boston Globe reports a woman was attacked in an alley and her attacker lost a big chunk of his tongue. The […]

Lace Wigs – The Best Wigs!

Lace wigs are lifesavers in many circumstances. Imagine having a bad hair day and not being able do anything about it. Hair extension like a lace wig comes to your rescue in these situations. In case you are wondering what kind of hair extension this is, these are that are made from natural hair and […]

Create a Visually Interesting Garden with Hardscaping Design

Hardscaping is a subcategory of landscape design that incorporates non-living features into your home’s garden. It consists of, but is not restricted to, structures for example gazebos, walkways, walls, fences, fountains, and other water features. With this particular kind of design, you, as being a house owner, will likely be able to create practical functions […]

Several Ways for Cleaning Out Your Toilet Bowl

Cleaning out for the end of tenancy cleaning needs can be quite tiring, for people not used to this exercises as well.  As an experienced author for cleaning articles, I can offer some cleaning advices that are guaranteed that they will work from one of close friends that is cleaning services entrepreneur. He said that […]