Archive for the "Home and Garden" Category


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What Kinds of Ticks and Fleas are Out There?

Ticks, known as ectoparasites, or external parasites, live on the outside of bodies of mammals, birds, and even sometimes reptiles and amphibians. Ticks survive solely on the blood of those it bites. They attach themselves to the host and can feed for up to several days, gradually swelling as their bodies engorge with blood. There […]

Enhance Chimney Performance with Chimney Exhaust Fans

Chimney fans, often referred to as chimney exhaust fans, can help to improve chimney performance and keep harmful combustion byproducts from entering the home environment. How Chimney Fans Work If you have ever seen large fans atop restaurants and other large buildings, then you might already have some idea about how chimney exhaust fans work. […]

Growing Orchid Flowers In The Home – Orchid Care

Orchid care and handling is just about the easiest move to make on the globe. The secret in orchid care is really in the preventive steps you need take. One with the main reasons behind condition and orchid care is actually greatly waters or usually adequate water. One of the most common reasons for disease […]

6 Steps To Keep Your Bathroom Tiles Clean

Bathrooms are an important part of our everyday life. This is one room that is used on a daily basis and it is important to make sure that it remains clean at all times. A dirty bathroom is not just an eyesore; it is also a health hazard. Many bathrooms have tiles that are practical […]

The Benefits of Air Conditioning Installation in Dallas

If you’ve ever used the words “sauna”, “my” and “house” in the same sentence, air conditioning installation in Dallas might be the solution you’ve been waiting for. With summer in full swing, the high temperatures you dreamed about all winter long are finally here. The summer sun is something to be enjoyed, but extreme temperatures […]