Archive for the "Home and Garden" Category


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In recent years, Leylandii has gotten a bit of a bad reputation with UK homeowners. The reason for this is that these trees grow exceptionally tall and do so quickly. If they are planted close together, they have a tendency to block out light and create a lot of shadow. This can make it impossible […]

The Benefits of Winter Safety Covers for Swimming Pools

Considering the shocking number of swimming pool related deaths that happen each year, it always surprises me just how many people still do not employ swimming pool covers. Although many people complain that they don’t want to have to open and close said covers each time they want to take a swim, that argument doesn’t […]

Energy Performance Certificate Free Guide

If you are a prospective house or building buyer, then you must get to know about the energy efficiency of the house. The rating that comes with the building signifies the energy efficiency of the house. Seeing the building’s energy efficiency clearly states what should be the price of the building.   A prospective buyer […]

How to Prevent Your Cat from Getting Fleas

Preventing fleas on your cat is a very important concern, as these bloodsucking pests can cause your beloved Fluffy a lot of pain and discomfort as well as spread to your furniture and bedding. Fleas can also cause your cat serious health problems, such as skin infections and parasitic worms. If your cat does get […]

How a Duvet Cover is Better than a Quilt

Much like a quilt, the duvet is a padded layer of quilting such as down, cotton or nylon fleecing that has been placed inside of a cover. Unlike a quilt, the duvet is not sewn inside of the cover, meaning that it can be taken out at any time. Most people who own duvets love […]