Archive for the "Home and Garden" Category


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Brevard County Pest Control is Key to Pest Prevention

Like many other parts of the country that have a lot of warm weather, Melbourne, Florida, is prone to having a wide variety of pest control issues. In warm weather insects can live and thrive year round, dealing with Florida pests can be a particularly difficult problem.  While it is obvious that if you have […]

Hard Side Waterbed Sheets vs Soft Side Waterbed Sheets

Waterbeds have been popular for many decades now. With the latest range of waterbeds available, different types of hard side waterbed sheets and soft side waterbed sheets have become helpful. The traditional hard side waterbed sheets have been recognized as the ones that contain mattresses within the wooden rectangular frame. On the other hand, the […]

How to Wash the Dishes While Saving Energy 1

After the last party I was sitting in the kitchen wondering what to do with my dishes. The main questions was which will be more efficient, tossing them in the trash or actually washing them. Of course that was not the eco-friendly warrior that I am, but the lazy and tired housewife. But then come […]

Sasha’s Blend for dogs

Your dog would most likely eat anything, but that certainly doesn’t mean that they are invulnerable, and it’s very important that you make sure they get everything they need through their diet – and if necessary through supplementation. Sasha’s Blend is a long term health treatment that is designed to be safe for dogs to […]

Pool Cleaner – What Types are Available?

If you have a pool, you will need to have it cleaned from time to time. Scum and debris may otherwise collect in your pool and make it a stew pot of pathogens. You will be glad to know that you have a variety to choose from when searching for a pool cleaner. Unlike in […]