Archive for the "Home and Garden" Category


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How The Right Lighting Can Transform Your Home

Concept lighting in any home really makes a difference to the overall décor of the home.  People know that they need lights in order to see in their homes, but many do not realize the impact that they play when it comes to the moods that are set in the home.  Lights are both functional […]

Timber Flooring for Perth Homes is Always a Good Idea

Many factors add to the overall aesthetic and ambience of your home’s interior. Homeowners have to think about the colour of the walls, fixtures to install, and above all, flooring. The floor is an important part of home design because it flows through the entire home and is also one of the first things people […]

Container Gardening: Edible Landscaping Basics

As slow food moves into our consciousness and home food production is becoming important for economic and environmental reasons many are torn between landscaping and vegetable gardens. Edible landscaping gives you the best of both worlds. With edible landscaping food production and attractive landscaping are not mutually exclusive.   There are many advantages of edible […]

Making The Switch to Solar Power at Home

The benefits of solar panels are obvious. As well as offering savings on your electricity bills, they can provide an income, and reduce environmental damage by providing a green source of energy. But once you have decided to move to solar energy what are the next steps? Consider the following points to find a solar […]

Advantix flea products

Advantix flea products are a great way to help rid your dogs of fleas and as your best friend’s owner its highly important to make sure that you take the time and effort to do so and to ensure your pet is healthy and happy. Fleas are one of the most common pests that can […]