Archive for the "Pets" Category

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A good diet is essential for pets

As the children get bigger it’s only natural that their thoughts turn to pets. They want a little furry friend to love and care for. There are all kinds of different options. Rabbits and guinea pigs are popular first pets. Fish are pretty low maintenance and a good starter option, but far and away the […]

Are seasonal allergies a problem for your dog

As an allergy sufferer, you know just how difficult the spring and summer can be with the sneezing and runny noses that come with the season. What many pet parents don’t realize is that their canines can actually be affected by these allergies and it can be a difficult problem to treat from a dog […]

Frontline Flea treatment

Every pet, whether they are acceptable outdoors or just kept indoors has experienced being contaminated by fleas. Fleas can easily pass through from one spot to another and can easily reach your pets even if they within the boundaries of your home. Aside from fleas having the ability to easily travel from one carrier to […]

Frontline Flea treatment

Every pet, whether they are acceptable outdoors or just kept indoors has experienced being contaminated by fleas. Fleas can easily pass through from one spot to another and can easily reach your pets even if they within the boundaries of your home. Aside from fleas having the ability to easily travel from one carrier to […]

Choosing the Right Dog for Your Family and Lifestyle

When you’ve made the decision to adopt a dog, finding one isn’t just as simple as walking into your local animal shelter and picking out the cutest smiling face. While your first impression and the feeling that you get when you interact with a canine for the first time is very important, you may also […]