Archive for the "Pets" Category

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Is Your Dogs Diet Making Them Sick?

While having your dog throw up in front of you may cause you to be concerned, there is usually a reason that is common and natural for most dogs. Dogs will eat grass from time to time and this causes their stomachs to become upset, thus they will vomit. If your dog does this every […]

Things to Consider About Cheap Chicken Coops

If you don’t live in the city and you have seen the mess that the world is becoming, you might have thought about raising your own chickens to lower your food bill a bit. This is a great idea but there are a few things that you will have to consider before jumping in with […]

Pets: Good friends for life, they need care!

Pets have been an important part of our lives. They become members of our families and bring companionship and a sense of security to our homes. They provide unconditional support and love for many people and have proven to be very beneficial, reducing depression and increasing a person’s overall happiness. There are many different types […]

Using Chinese Herbs to Relieve Lyme Disease Symptoms

Many Chinese herbs have been found to be helpful in treating Lyme Disease, which is a bacterial infectious disease that comes from Borrelia Burgdorferi, a spirochetal organism. Typically, it is introduced to the system through a tick bite. More people living in the northeastern United States seem to be prone to Lyme Disease although there […]

Ringworms: Things to Know

Ringworm is a very common infection that occurs on animals and humans alike. Unlike the name however, ringworm isn’t actually a worm, rather it’s a fungal infection that appears as a set of rings when on the skin. Another type of ringworm is athlete’s foot. The organism that creates ringworm is called a dermatophyte and […]