Archive for the "Security" Category

Sort by: Exploring User Centricity and Civic Ecology

Icentered blog, the leader of user centric paradigm that looks on the web through user centricity which is centered on the individual, exploring civic ecology at The website offers all information about it. Citizen centricity crowns a new king – the citizen and its well being. The author claims that the values of trust, […]

How to Use the Cloud to Reduce Expenses

Many people are looking to cut expenses. Personally, I’ve shaved at least a couple thousand dollars a month from my expenses by downsizing to one car, cutting out lots of monthly recurring fees, and looking closely at which services I can now shift to the cloud. Software: Contact managers, office documents, media editing programs, you […]

Cloud-Based Contacts Managers: To Use or Not to Use?

The old adage, “It’s not what you know, it’s who you know,” still rings true today. Without a network of “trust agents,” influencers, or simply good contacts, it’s hard to get anything accomplished. Getting a new job, making sales, or simply finding a good accountant requires a network of people you know, like, and trust […]

For Your Business and Customer Obtain SSL Certificates

An Internet provides am improved chance to perform business and grow access to millions of public across the country, so does the need for sensitive safety procedures. Absolutely, any client needs to be certain everything is protected and secure when creation a business transaction over the web. The role of an SSL certification addressed this […]

Grow You Customer with VeriSign EV SSL Certificate

Belief the current trend on the online, Internet banking, it is imperative to handle the trouble. Payment, Client or customer registration, no private data, you have your website, personality theft, malware and phishing theme, you can attack. This risk to your website so that hinder the reliance of our customers can be treated secret banking […]