Archive for the "Web" Category

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Importance of web designing and SEO.

World Wide Web has  developed a rapid   transform from past few years .  Previously it was only  limited to the universities  and research centers but  today there is hardly  any field  where internet  is not being used . Internet  has become part  and parcel of our  everyday living. Internet  provides various  advantages   like email, information, […]

Key thoughts for effective portal development

A Portal is different from the website mainly in that the latter belongs to single person or entity and promotes or showcases his products or services whereas the former lists a number of people or entities. A portal is also related to some specific theme but it could be quite broad based covering far more […]

3 Solutions to Attain Traffic to your Web Site

You may be familiar with these techniques somehow but let’s consider the 3 most effective and efficient methods to increase traffic to your web site in great time. Being a web developer, I learn how to build a full blooming and functional website that is worth greater than the value billed to the client. In […]

Writer WordPress theme For Freelance Writer Websites Reveiw

Planning to promote the books you have written in the past online? Creating a website for your Freelance can open new doors of opportunity for you and get your work more exposure. Thanks to WordPress, you can set up a site for your business quickly. The Writer WordPress theme for authors can help you do that even faster. Writer […]

Hire Professional PHP Developer For Your Online Portal

PHP is one of the most popular server side scripting language in the modern day world. As because PHP makes a website more dynamic and also interactive in approach, most of the sites employ the services of a highly professional PHP developer in their making. With a wide variety of benefits being incorporated in PHP, […]