Archive for the "Web" Category

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How to get page rank?

The method by which Google Search Engine ranks web pages is known as Page Rank. With a higher page rank your web pages will have a better position in the search engine results. The page rank of a site tells how good the web page is to its visitors. There are many necessary elements in […]

Web Development – Web Design, Ecommerce Web Development

Web development is the process to develop the website through programming language like HTML, PHP and ASP etc, using the popular databases like MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server and Oracle. Website consisting of two parts frontend which is visible and backend which is database used to provide the content to the frontend for the dynamic website […]

PHP Application and Web Development India

PHP is the type of open source scripting designed to create web development solutions. This Custom web application development is used in creation for website designing for business. It is the most cost effective application in comparison to other languages and that’s why it has more demand in the market. Web application development in PHP […]

Web 2.0 Technology Revolution

The field of information technology is ever changing and with every moment there are new discoveries and innovations. Web 2.0 technology is the recent and most talked innovation these days. Although the innovations are not new for information technology, But there are technologies which are not everlasting and with the time they also get updated […]

Which Points Need to Be Taken Care Of during Picking out a Server

Seemingly it is an easy task though one needs to keep some salient points in mind while going to hire a server for one’s website. If someone goes online and searches for a hosting company, one will be definitely flummoxed by seeing a huge server hosting crowds and their competitive offers. Greenhorns get puzzled and […]