Archive for the "News and Media" Category


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The ten Day Weather Forecast For Menorca

Why are we obsessed with the climate and why is it that weather sites online are so well visited, especially the ones labeled “The ten day Forecast.” Menorca is a wonderfully different holiday island and yet the question from the weather always intrigues would be visitors so let’s take a few minutes to explain. Is […]

Weather and Latitude are Not Allies

There is certainly a popular assumption that if you move to higher latitudes (toward the poles) you can escape the heat, and that by moving to lower latitudes (toward the equator) you can escape the cold. The equation is simple. But is it real? If it was, then the most northerly capital, Reykjavik, would also […]

What’s In Your Weather Forecast ?

Weather calamities seem to have an eye for Asia this summer although quite a few other parts in the world are far from immune to Mother’s growing chaos. In case you do not follow the weather news, here are some with the latest headlines: “Romania on Flood Alert” “South Asia monsoon toll passes 2,000.” “At […]

Weather Forecast Can Be Quite Accurate If Done Properly

Quite a few countries across the world are putting in a lot of their resources for research on weather with the expectation of reaping a lot more benefits by making accurate predictions compared to the costs involved. Developed countries from Europe, America, Australasia and Asia have set up superior weather services. The weather across the […]

TEFL Techniques – The Weather Forecast

The UK is blessed with ‘weather’ rather than ‘climate’ – i.e., like Forrest Gump’s famous Box of Chocolates, you never know what you’re going to get! Countries that have climates mostly know what the day’s weather is going to become like: it’s summer – it’ll be hot and dry, and it’ll probably rain at four […]