Archive for the "Home Schooling" Category

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Parents Need Register Themselves On OSA Portal to get More Benefits

Jeeves was a student of the 4 yr diploma program on speech and hearing. He was supposed to be on 1 year of internship and had to get a dissertation ready. He couldn’t get a topic ready. Often he would watch the deaf and dumb children talk to each other in sign language at the […]

How Schools are Handling Transfer Cases of Employees

The mother of a 3 year old in Colombo had just thought life was a piece of chocolate when she joined the Grievances Department at the Srilankan embassy. She had finished paying the child’s monthly fee at a playschool close to her house and knew that her next task was to put her daughter into […]

Story Telling In Home or Class Make Your Child Perfect

Informational books are like encyclopedias for children. For example, information books tell children what firefighters do, how spaceships are launched, how shoes are made and much more. Of course, many books are mixtures. A story book can be an information book or a thinking book at the same time. Before we start to read, we […]

Make Early Childhood Education Pleasant With A Rock Band

The media’s popularization of findings from studies indicating a causal link between music training and spatial reasoning in young children has caught the attention of many and spurred interest in the inclusion of music in early childhood education. Perhaps the basic reason that every child must have an education in music is that music is […]

School Uniform: Its Importance And Impact On Child

Do dress codes and uniforms violate the freedom of expression opportunities? We think that this argument is quite weak.  Students are free to dress as they and their parents choose during non-school hours. They also need to realize that dress codes and uniforms are a reality of the workplace in the adult world including in […]