Archive for the "Home Schooling" Category

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Teen Wants to go to Public School

There are certainly some challenging things that can happen to homeschoolers. One of the biggest challenges is a child that wants to go to public school. Nobody will have the answer for you, and nobody can solve this problem. It’s something you just have to work through – and pray over. If you are in […]

How the increase in Technology in schools can help your child

As the world seems to be moving at such a fast past it seems that everything else is moving with it. The rise of the internet has happened in recent years and of course technology. It seems everybody these days has easy access to the internet or a smart phone with instant access. This is […]

Labeling Students Can Be Harmful

Teachers have a great responsibility. They are not only teaching young minds, but they are shaping the future. Some teachers don’t take the time to understand their students and help them to learn, just because a child may be difficult. A young fifteen-year-old boy received excellent grades, but his teacher didn’t understand him and was […]

Occupational Therapist Schools – Essential Considerations

Occupational Therapist schools prepare you with regard to employment in occupational therapy. This is certainly an fascinating professional pathway designed to eventually have you aiding individuals to resume normal, rewarding lives even with any physical or emotional troubles they might possibly be dealing with. Prior to deciding on a college for occupational therapy, you will […]

Homeschool Transcripts and Public Schools

Two families, two students, same question, same answer. A mom called me for transcript help. Her daughter homeschooled for two years, using Alpha Omega LifePacs and Weaver Curriculum for 9th and 10th grade. Once her daughter got up to grade level, she wanted her to go back to public school. She asked me how to […]
