Archive for the "Reference and Education" Category


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How traditional lath plaster was used

Lath and plaster is a plastering process with it’s origins in the united kingdom.Wooden studs would be placed at equal distances and smaller strips of wood used to bridge the studs. These are narrow strips of wood nailed horizontally across the wall studs. Each wall frame is covered in lath, tacked at the studs. The […]

La central térmica en las bases científicas antárticas

Durante el invierno austral de 2006, 40 bases de 20 naciones operaron en la Antártida y otros 6 países se sumaron en el verano antártico. Gracias al Tratado Antártico prácticamente todas las actividades humanas, exceptuando un limitado turismo y pesca, se reducen a la investigación científica, centrada principalmente en la meteorología y climatología, aunque se […]

Affordable Online Colleges: Tips to Finding the Best Degree Online

Nowadays, more and more people are losing their jobs and being out of income. Many people are looking at their options as far as getting back into school, but schooling can get very expensive and rather time consuming, especially for those who have kids and no one to watch them. For this reason, people are […]

Affordable Online Colleges Offers the Key to Your Future

For those who are just getting out of high school or at least have your high school diplomas, there may be a lot of things that are holding you back from doing more with your future. If you don’t have any type of college degree, getting a decent job is going to be hard as […]

Discover Your Options With Affordable Online Colleges

More and more people are turning to affordable online colleges as a way to further education. Because of the economy, people need to have jobs, and therefore going back to school can be hard. Some people can’t go back because of finances, but there are now classes that can be taken online and can fit […]