Archive for the "Reference and Education" Category


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Past Life Regression Hypnosis – Is Past Life Regression Hypnosis Real?

Past Life Regression Hypnosis, a.k.a. PLR, is the apparent expedition into one’s past life during hypnosis. While many patients end up “remembering” some of their past lives through hypnosis, it is most likely that these are just bogus memories. They could be just figments of ones imagination, or perhaps even suggestions from the hypnotist. So […]

PA Malpractice Lawyer Story

I’ll call my friend Ryan, since I don’t want to reveal his/her true identity for legal reasons. Ryan is an avid runner and does around 60 miles of running per week. That’s a lot of running and a lot of physical activity, which makes him susceptible to injury more than your average person. Unfortunately, Ryan […]

What Medical Malpractice Is

Now it is extremely important that you are aware of exactly what medical malpractice and personal injury are if you consider yourself a victim of medical negligence. One would think that medical doctors are working to help their patients. Don’t get me wrong; that is exactly what they are there to do. However, sometimes these […]

PA Malpracice Lawyer Information

Now, assuming that you’ve been injured by a negligent doctor or physician, you are probably now planning on suing them for carelessness in their field of medicine. Whether it be a surgeon, a dentist, pharmacist, or even a physical therapist, this site can help you. But in order to sue them for their wrongdoing, you […]

Drunk driving and DUI lawyers

If you are someone that loves to party all night long and then you immediately get behind the wheel and race with your friends, then that is really something that will get the cops angry on you. You might say that you are doing fine behind the wheel and that there is nothing wrong that can happen, but the law is the law and it doesn’t really matter if you’re a superhero or not, you will need to abide to it.