Archive for the "Reference and Education" Category


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Food Miles Disambiguated and How Do They Affect the Biosphere?

One of the oft overlooked aspects of organic food and the degree to which it lessens environmental impact has to do with food miles. What are “food miles,” you may wonder as I did. Food miles are exactly what they sound like: the number of miles food must travel in its journey from the fields […]

Solar energy Equipment – The Benefits and Negatives

Very few people spend time in understanding the long term environmental impact of solar power and solar energy equipment. These are some of the pros and cons of having a solar energy equipment in your home or office. A main benefit is the overall financial savings. The high initial costs of solar electricity systems can […]

Is There A Need For Drinking Water Purification?

While you were a young child you never thought of the idea of wanting to cleanse your drinking water. You opened the spigot, filled your glass, guzzled the water and moved on with the rest of your day. Water quality info was one thing you never heard about. Or when you did, it obviously didn’t […]

You Must Make a Difference By Recycle

I have recently relocated to the city of Knoxville, Tennessee and have been pleasantly startled by the extent of the consideration towards environmental friendliness the city has as a whole. Everywhere I look this is evidenced – just the other day I was driving and noticed a message stating “This vehicle operates on clean biofuel” […]

Ontslagvergoeding; bij echtscheiding delen? | Boskamp en Willems advocaten

Vandaag de dag wordt deze vraag weer actueel. Door financiĆ«le tegenslagen ziet uw werkgever zich genoodzaakt uw arbeidsovereenkomst te beĆ«indigen. Vanwege uw ontslag ontvangt u een schadeloosstelling. Met de ontslagvergoeding wordt regelmatig een lijfrenteverzekering gefinancierd. Moet u de schadeloosstelling of de (uitkeringen uit de) lijfrenteverzekering met uw echtgenoot of echtgenote delen? U vraagt zich dit […]