Archive for the "Reference and Education" Category


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How Can Speed Reading Help You?

Just use these hints and you’ll learn how to speed reading:

Why pick studying Hebrew online?

Do you remember those depressing winter days when you had to get out of the comfort of your home, clean the vehicle from the snow, drive on slippery  roads, get caught in traffic, being discouraged getting late to classes and so on…  On the internet your class is just a click away, you don’t have […]

From Day One – Learning How To Be A Speed Reader

Be Dynamic Through Speed Reading method, by Dr. Jay Polmar, is designed for those who read large volumes of printed material. Sometimes they get frustrated when they can’t keep up with all the intriguing literature that is released. Authors around the world produce printed data and fiction, at a rate so phenomenal, that even the most avid of readers struggle to keep up. With our DYNAMIC SPEED READING method, you’ll easily be able to read twice to three times the amount you now read in the same time.

Traffic Ticket Attorney And Traffic Tips

Most people ask the traffic ticket attorney what to do when they are pulled over by a police officer and given a traffic citation. The first step is to be cooperative with the police officer. Do not argue and be polite. When the officer hands you the citation simply sign it. Signing the ticket is not an admission of guilt. Next people want to know if they should pay the ticket. The answer is no.

Learn Japanese Phrases for Eating

If you are planning a trip to Japan you may be looking forward to enjoying some Japanese food. Learning a few Japanese Phrases for eating will make your experience a lot more fun and interesting. Even if you are not travelling to Japan, you can make use of these Japanese Phrases the next time you visit your favourite Japanese restaurant. If you are just starting out learning Japanese or don’t know any words at all, don’t worry about trying to learn what every one of the words mean, just learn some of the most useful phrases below to communicate while enjoying the Japanese food.