Archive for the "Astrology" Category

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Horoscope Compatibility

It’s sort of tough to think in the whole supernatural/hocus pocus side of issues. Who’s really to say what’s valid and what’s not. Now, I’m not going to lie; I’ve come to think in certain issues in my life. I don’t doubt the existence of God or the concept of spirits. However, in terms of […]

Nostradamus And Mayan Calendar

Their calendar does not show dates after 2012 December 12th . Many people who have studied their philosophy in detail feel that this is so because Mayans had foreseen some exceptionally rare planetary alignment on this date. It is believed that this type of strange planetary coalition has been observed earlier too . Every twenty […]

How To Face The End Of The World

On the other hand there are those who are of the belief that this world is eternal . Very few of us had ever heard about the prophecy which talks about end of the world the year 2012. What we are not aware of is ‘the time when it is going to end .’ Mayans […]

End Of The World As Predicted By Mayan By 2012

It becomes very difficult to understand the plethora clues and the ancient Mayan calendar. After making many studies, the scholars and scientist have interpreted that the world may end by 2012. The interpretation of the calendar is almost correct and it lasted for five thousand one hundred and twenty five years. According to the Mayan […]

Diamonds- Birthstone for the Month of April

Which stone is timeless, eternal and makes the ultimate gifts of love. This is the most popular and highly sought after gemstone symbolizing romance, trust, loyalty, purity faith, power and wealth and is the most extraordinary of all gemstones. There are no points for guessing this one. It is the dazzling and twinkling diamonds. This […]