Archive for the "Motivation" Category

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How To Control Your Life And Prosper

Many people around the world struggle with the task of completing goals. If you too struggle with the task of completing your goals, you may want to consider taking a different approach to how you go about completing your goals. If you simply control your life, you will be able to control the thoughts you hold in your mind and you will be able completely transform the actions you take each and every day.

How Leadership Books Are So Interesting

The beauty of Leadership Books is that they can take a reader into a new level of perspective. People can learn different ways to communicate to get ahead. They will be empowered to be driven forward by certain leadership abilities. When Leadership Books are bought and read, they can open up someone’s world and be inspired. This is a self help book, that can assist someone with their job, life and general relationships.

My #1 Motivational Actor In The World

When I go into describing exactly who my #1 motivational actor you’ll think I’ve gone crazy. He’s been a Hollywood start for numerous years and most of us have developed to associate him as “The Fresh Prince”. We now look at him flash his wonderful acting skills in humongous blockbuster movies. Will Smith not only […]

Effective Time Management Strategies

We have all used the old saying why do today what you can put off until tomorrow. For some of us, a little procrastination is harmless. For others, it can spell the difference between whether any work gets done in a day or not. If this seems like we are describing you then you probably […]

Bill Gates – McDonalds Employee of the Month

Today I asked myself what would have happened if Bill Gates would have taken some bad career advice and just gotten a job at McDonalds rather than starting Microsoft. I’m picturing Bill Gates wearing a McDonald’s uniform, including the stupid hat, standing behind the counter at McDonalds, ready to take your order with a smile. […]