Archive for the "Self Improvement" Category


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Flying Stars Fengshui For 2006

(Chinese Solar Year : 04.02.2006 to 03.02.2007)

A Fashionista’s Dream

Be a quirkier fashionista whatever the weather! Know the latest trends in eyewear that fits your personality!

How Hypnosis Can Improve Your Subconscious Mind Power

The subconscious mind is the part of the mind which does not use logic, does not reason and does not argue. It does exactly what it is commanded to do regardless if it is negative or positive. It can be commanded to bring you riches just as easily as bring you debt and will not hesitate on either. This is because it doesn’t care what you command it to do, for its only job is to do exactly what you tell it to do.

The Signs Of An ESP Psychic

The world is packed full of fruit loops which claim to be able to tell other people how their lives will turn out. Most of these impostor ESP psychics charge money and have a business that gets people which are down on their luck to provide an investment into their services, in exchange for broad advice which can be interpreted by an individual in many ways.

Psychic Training – Is It Right For You?

It’s quite amazing that in our modern world a psychic such as John Edwards can become famous and even make a living off books, television shows, and live entertainment. While psychic powers could once get you laughed at or even killed, they seem to be no big deal to most people today. In fact, psychics such as Sylvia Brown often have a large following of fans who seek to learn from them. While there will always be those who don’t believe in these powers or who are made uncomfortable by the simple idea of a psychic, most people have a general acceptance that there are psychics amongst us.