Archive for the "Personal Development" Category

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Law of Attraction Tips: Choosing the Perfect Tips for You

We heard about the law of attraction as if it is the elixir of all conflicts in this world. We have heard people who have testified for its positive results. If you have read about a number of articles on law of article tips, you may be confused right now for its contradictions on reality. […]

Law of Attraction Relationship Practices

Making a relationship last has been the problem of most couples, these days for a lot of reasons. One could get lost along the way with the burst of new definitions about love. A tight schedule or far distance from a lover may also dampen a couple’s enthusiasm to continue with a relationship. There might […]

What is the Law of Attraction: Things That You Should Know

We always want to know why we are here in this planet and the most inspiring answer is that we are here for a mission that will put meaning to our lives. Indeed, goals and desires are what make life worth living. Without them, life is not life at all. How can we achieve our […]

Accepting Change

When change occurs we often feel a little frightened and  threatened because we do not fully know the outcome of  events,  where we will fit in, or even how best to relate to it because it is all new. Fear of change is a hindrance in many people’s lives and it is not real, for […]

Accepting and Becoming Yourself

When we go through life sometimes we create an idea of ourselves, one which may not correlate to who we truly are, but only fits with what we think we are. There can be an imbalance between the two, that one outweighs the other.  How do you find yourself when you have created layers of […]