Archive for the "Divorce" Category

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Why does the divorcing rate increase?

Typically a marriage always starts on a happy note. They feel that they are really blessed because they have found a partner for life. But unfortunately it also can potentially end in a disaster. If you notice, the divorce rate has increased significantly over the years. Today’s society is not the same as what the […]

Need an Experienced Attorney for a Successful Divorce Strategy

Are you about to go through a divorce and are considering to yourself that you could probably sustain a lot of money by just doing it yourself? If you are you need to consider the serious lengthy long-lasting results of a divorce and how the support of a knowledgeable attorney can help you art a […]

Long Island Divorce Attorney – Once “Happily Ever After” Does Not Work Out

A few things don’t end up the way you envisioned. Marriage is just one example. You could still remember how glad you were when you said “I do,” but you might possibly wake up one morning realizing your relationship is a failure. If you think it’s much better to split up, perhaps it’s time for […]

Win Your Divorce Uncontested

It is very sad that today divorce has become such a common issue among young couples. It would be feasible to say that today there are less married couples present than there are divorced couples in US itself. It may sound terribly old-fashioned; marriage is a commitment, and couples should make every attempt not to […]

All You Should Know About Bankruptcy Filing

Of all the things that are important in life, money is certainly one of the most important ones and there is no second thought about that fact. All of us, at some point or the other in our lives have faced a monetary crunch, be it in the college canteen, or in the more serious […]