Archive for the "Marriage" Category

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Getting Over An Emotional Affair -Some Great Advice That Will Help You Forget About Things

You’ve been into rough times, and you needed some help about getting over an emotional affair. Your life isn’t over yet because you’ve discovered that your husband is having an emotional affair with someone else. It’s a painful situation, that’s why you have to get back on the life’s track the soonest. With that in […]

Is Your Marriage in Crisis – How to Keep Hope Alive in Desperate Times

Is your marriage in crisis? Has your spouse said that the two of you have no future? Don’t give up yet. Every marriage goes through rough spots. Some relationships are even strengthened by these times. Here’s how to keep hope alive even when your marriage is in trouble. First of all, you should know that […]

Help Save Marriage Why Pastoral Counseling is Superior to a Secular Therapist

Help save marriage from the secular therapists who call themselves “Marriage and Family Counselors.” These professionals, who generally have a master’s degree in psychology have a misleading license. You would think from their titles that they are specialists to help save marriage, but when you find out what they are really trained in, you see […]

Emotional Affairs At Work: Unethical Conduct With Co Workers Is Still A Form Of Cheating

We know that your job is important to you and to your family, but it’s where the emotional affairs at work start. It is a fact that majority of the working public will have to go through five days of work each week, some even every day. This is an accepted norm because we want […]

Want A Happy Marriage – Search For The Glue That Will Hold You Together

If you want a happy marriage, search for the glue that will bind you together. That is advice given through the generations and like a lot of comments from older people, it is worth listening to. Every relationship is different, as unique as the two people involved in it. Your mutual attraction, shared memories and […]