Archive for the "Religion" Category

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The Similarities Between Mormonism and Freemasonry

The Mormons take great offense to being referred to as a cult. Yet that the true meaning of the word cult is a system of religious worship. The question that arises, is the Mormon religion a true cult? The problem is that the Mormons believe that when the word cult is used that it is referred to as a unfavorable religion such as one that is made up of horrid things that are taking place amongst that religion. For the most part but that is the general consensus when people are referring to cults. The Mormons will stand on the fact that no they are not a cult and there is nothing that they teach or do that is unhealthy in any shape or form.

Mormon LDS Scriptures Are Based On Christianity. Fact or Myth?

The Mormon base part of their doctrine on the fact that they feel that Christ became a man and therefore that Mormons should strive to be more Christlike and therefore becoming Gods. They base a lot of their doctrine in this regard for this particular area from the book of Romans often the Holy Bible and this is their take or their version of what they feel that this book is in reference to or at least parts of it.

Find Out All About Mormonism – The Mormon Cult

Over the past 2 millennia, Christianity and the Catholic Church has evolved and grown to become the largest religious group in the world today. Although Christianity began as a Jewish sect with belief in the teachings of Jesus of Nazareth, over the centuries, many cults, sects, and groups like the Mormons, evolved to impart their own understanding and beliefs of the teachings of Jesus Christ.

Past Life Secrets: Unlocking Your Mind’s Mysteries

The concept of having a past life or perhaps several is reincarnation. It is an ancient concept in various cultures the world over. Some of these include Africa, Japan, Australian aborigines as well as some New Age religions and modern Wicca. They believe we have lived past lives and that those past lives influence us today.

Bad Credit Visa Credit Cards – Guaranteed Unsecured Credit Card For People With Bad Credit (Get …

It’s difficult to provide accurate bad credit visa credit cards information, but we have gone through the rigor of putting together as much bad credit visa credit cards related information as possible. In layman’s terms, a credit card allows a person to make purchases up to the limit set by the card issuer. This credit […]
