Archive for the "Technology" Category


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Cardinal Guide for Purchasing a Home Theater Device

Home theater systems are the latest rage in modern technology. Taking movie-watching and even every-day TV programs to a whole new level, home theaters are the ultimate in affordable, functional and high-end technology, and it seems like just about everyone and their brother is interested in getting one. The great thing about home theater setups […]

How Ordering New Car Speakers is Invariably Appropriate

I used to drive all the time: several hours to and from work, running errands, long interstate trips and just general joyriding. Even now that I don’t drive nearly as much, the quality of the sound of my audio system is still very important to me. Most people will agree that a superior sound system […]

Is 7.1 Able to be Configured For PC Audio?

More and more people are becoming familiar with the concept of 7.1 surround sound; all this means is that it is a sound system which incorporates seven surround sound speakers or “satellites” is used in conjunction with a single subwoofer. This has been a trend among the most high-end surround sound systems and the most […]

How to get free iPhone Theme ?

So how to get free iPhone Theme? You can get it here How to enable downloaded iPhone Theme into your device ? First get winterboard. Then run the theme, then you need to upload the theme into your device.Winterboard theme located in /Library/Themes and usually at the end of folder got extension “.theme”. Inside […]

Get a FREE Iphone 4!

Thousands of people miss out on the unique opportunity to become a tester for many new products when they are released, for example the Apple iPhone 4 that is right now being given away for $0 (Yes, FREE) to thousands of testers everywhere this very moment! You might think that it’s impossible to become a […]