Archive for the "Technology" Category


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The BlackBerry 9900 Review gives you an insight on the features of this model

The BlackBerry is among the most widely sold mobile phones in the world. The latest model to hit the market from the manufacturer RIM is the BlackBerry Bold 9900. Every BlackBerry Bold review has noted that this new model is slimmer and smarter looking than the previous BlackBerry models.The BlackBerry Bold 9900 has a 2.8 […]

The Popularity of Android App Development

The mobile market all over the world keeps growing at a extremely fast rate with smartphone’s being the most recognized choice of consumers. The smartphone’s now double up as a music player, GPS along with a handheld video gaming. The market industry of applications keeps growing with the need for smart phones. Android App Development […]

Learn More about MIL SPEC 130

Proficient knowledge of MIL SPEC 130 and the UID process has become indispensable to manufacturers for the United States Military. UID refers to the unique identification system and requires a unique item code to be included on all products manufactured or distributed for use by the government. This system came into effect as a security […]

Pros of Audiocodes Mediant 2000

Do you think that technology really dominates our way of life and business atmosphere? There is no doubt that technologies today plays an important function not only in our personal life but also when you are thinking about some business plans. Many entrepreneurs these days believe positively about how they will bring in the best […]

Is There Really Such A Thing As A Jupiter Jack Scam?

If you have been in the market for a hands free device for your cell phone, then you may have come across some that are as expensive as $100 or more, while others are quite affordable. So, if you have seen the Jupiter Jack and wondered if this was some kind of phony product that […]