Archive for the "Technology" Category


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Benefits of Implementing Risk Management Frameworks

In the recent past, there have been numerous instances of corporate collapses, resulting from unorganized and inefficient network management systems. Repeated unwarranted accidents from malicious hackers and misuse of privileged ID’s have been leading to brand erosion, financial losses and huge amount of data thefts. These mishaps can be successfully averted provided there is a […]

Track Data Usage to Reduce Extensive Mobile Bill

Do you often wonder about the methods through which you can reduce your mobile bills? Then you need to buy track data usage applications for the same. You are surely worried about the significant data usage at the end of every month. You plan your monthly budgets so that you can spend wisely and at […]

Steps To Implement A Business Continuity Disaster Recovery Plan

There are numerous issues that need to be dealt with an enterprise is dealing with a disaster recovery and business continuity plan. The two critical aspects in this regard. The first one is to keep the working staff as productive as possible at the time of the disaster. The second is to ensure that the […]

Streamline Your Retail Customer Experience

Internet technology and retail innovation have brought about a significant change in the consumer behavior. Today’s consumer’s are smart, intelligent and conscious buyers. They are aware of the product or service they are investing in and also on the mode. Therefore, enterprises and retail brand needs  pay attention to the consumer buying experience than merely […]

Seamless Access with Secure and Cost-effective Remote Desktop Access Solutions

According to a recent study, nearly ten percent work from home on a daily basis. The advancement of technology has lead to an explosive growth of Apple and Android devices, making the average worker have unprecedented computing power at their fingertips. As the effect of mobile devices on the modern workforce is undeniable, these devices […]