Archive for the "Technology" Category


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Decide on your requirement after going through various hosted PBX pricing models

Hosted PBX and virtual PBX are the most popular business telephone systems you will now see people using. There are various advantages of hosted and virtual PBX systems that allow you to use the best business telephone features and yet manage your telephone cost. When you contact a telephone company for PBX services they give […]

Secure transit of business documents with digital signature

Business groups are taking use of latest technology so as to enhance overall performance of the functionality of the transactions. It is quite essential to choose a medium for transit of document across web which can be secure and does not have any loose gear. Business related documents are quite confidential and they can reach […]

Apple IPad2 Contract: Get exclusive freebies with your beloved Ipad2

Wishing to buy new Apple’s IPad 2 but cannot afford it? Do not worry as various cheap mobile phone deals are available in the market that tend to provide you with a greater cost- effectiveness with your desired mobile gadget. These deals are especially crafted to assist you with your mobile needs and to provide […]

Enhancing the Performance of Critical Electronic Applications

Temperature stability is a primary requisite in critical applications such as wireless systems, synchronous telecom and wireless networking, precision instrumentation and other applications that rely on frequency for timing executions. These critical applications require a precision reference timing source that maintains the same frequency over temperature and voltage fluctuations.  Therefore, these systems utilize a special […]

The Link Between Call Recording and Fighting Phreaking

Phreaking (or dial-through fraud) is a worry for a lot of companies. This is because it causes companies in the UK alone 1.2 billion pounds in losses annually, according to recent figures reported by the BBC. Such losses come from illegal calls done by hackers and scammers using a said firm’s telephone network. Listed here […]