Archive for the "Technology" Category


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Among snom phones the one you may want to really focus on is the snom 320

Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) phones is the most cherished communication technology today. Whether it is voice applications you are looking for or fax or text based applications, VoIP is now the most common technology. It not only offers some fantastically advanced features but also allows organizations to save thousands of dollars on their communication […]

Writing for the web – signpost guidelines

User behaviour – effect on web writing The most important thing to realise when writing for the web is that most people don’t read web pages, they scan them. Heart-breaking as it might be for people who write for the web, research has repeatedly shown that users typically glance at a pageto quickly ‘get the […]

Important facts about the liquid level indicator

Why do you need a liquid level indicator? Well, if you need to identify the liquid level or the liquid interface, then such indicators are essential. Also known as the water level indicator, such integrated system can also be called a transducer. Various industrial sectors require to use these indicators to measure the water level. […]

What makes the liquid level sensors effective?

When any form of liquid is poured into a storing container, its level goes up because of gravitational force. Liquid level sensors are used for detecting the level of water or any other form of liquid that flows. Using the liquid level switches, the level of the liquid present in a container or water present […]

SSL VPN Solutions – An Innovative Performance Enhancer

A VPN is a safe method for connecting a private area network that is located at a remote distance. For this, you are allowed to use any insecure public network or internet in order to pass the network input pockets through encryption privately. Simultaneously, a VPN uses an approval to reject the access to unauthorized […]