Archive for the "Technology" Category


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Regulate the operation of magnetic separator

Magnetic Separator is the key equipment in the beneficiation process, re-use powder used in the removal of mitochondrial iron and so on. Magnetic separator for particle size below 3mm magnetite, pyrrhotite, roasted ore, ilmenite, manganese and other materials, wet magnetic separation, but also for coal, non-metallic minerals, building materials, iron and other materials operation. This […]

construction machinery parts wear and damage

Mechanical wear is the friction between the surface of parts produced. Parts of the surface even after machining, not absolutely flat, part surface contact with each other, uneven, easily embedded in each other. When the parts to movement, raised the metal particles have continued to fall off. When combined with the gap increases to a […]

IBM 000-104 question exams

IBM believes that there is no corporate social responsibility, there is no room for development. Only the corporate social responsibility is rooted in the company’s strategy and operations, the positioning of the corporate social responsibility is consistent with the characteristics of the times, business is on behalf of the advanced model. At the same time, […]

TV monitor – Create the Cinema Experience at Home

So you missed the latest blockbuster at the cinema? Well if you can wait for it to come out on DVD then the experience of watching it at a cinema can easily be re-created with the right TV monitor. The TV is the focal point of any living room and one that will most likely […]

TV Monitors – LED or LCD TV Monitors?

Apart from the panel and the backlight technologies which give the LED TV and LCD TV monitors their sleek and excellent picture quality, there are other specifications and features that also should be considered when deciding on what monitor to buy. Aspect Ratio: Although there are arguments that support the use of 4:3 monitors, such […]